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South Shore International College Prep

Architect: John Ronan
George Sollit Construction

American Building Services

Spargo Products:
DORMA mortise locks, door closers and exit devices, Next Door Co. stainless steel doors, Krieger Specialty Products STC acoustical doors

The Chicago Public Schools commissioned renowned architect John Ronan to design the prototype new South Shore International College Prep High School, at 75th Street and Jeffery Boulevard. This school would serve as the model for a total of six new high schools to be built in Chicago.

Dedicated in May 2011, the $94 million South Shore International College Prep High School reveals the benefits of his modernist approach: The project fits on a single city block, which shortened the time needed to remove underground utilities to prepare the site for construction. Ronan is no fan of showy, wow-inducing buildings erected with public funds. But the use of Glass, Steel, and Warm toned Concrete Clad Bricks, help create an impressive urban school that should certainly make students and the community alike feel good about the new school. The long, narrow classroom wing draws in lots of natural light. The main entrance sits atop a terraced platform that creates a kind of "high ground" above the street. Separate entrances allow the school's gym and library to be used after hours. The Green roof signifies that this is LEED Silver project.

George Sollitt Construction was the successful general contractor and they chose American Building Services to supply the Doors and Hardware. ABS reached out to the Spargo Group and ultimately decided to use DORMA Architectural Hardware to supply the Mortise Locks, Door Closers, and Exit Devices for this project. The modern school is a great representation of DORMA's durable world class hardware, and also serves as a showcase for some of the specialty doors the Spargo Group represents including Stainless Steel Doors from the Next Door Company and STC Acoustical Doors from Krieger Specialty Products.


501 W. Wrightwood

Elmhurst, IL 60126


T: 630-516-9092

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